Hope, Harmony and Hospitality, Holmes-Style

Category Harmony at Home

Challenging Rounds and Canons

Just like the “Magic Eye” puzzle, in which a 2 dimensional object suddenly pops into a new 3 dimensional one full of surprises and delight, Canons and Rounds are an easy portal into full blown harmony. Our family (and many… Continue Reading →

Harmony at Home: Tips for Success

Tip #1 – Keep it SHORT. WINSOME. FUN. Make it something that your family can enjoy after the work of the day is done, like you would a favorite board game.   Choose enjoyable songs at the ability level of your… Continue Reading →

Quarant-Sing: A Chance to Sing!

Like so many of you, my husband Brad and I have recently experienced a complete CLEANSING of our calendar and TO DO lists – which had been overflowing with concerts, festivals, deadlines, recitals, auditions and responsibilities – all a part… Continue Reading →

Musings and musical memories

I smile as I recall moments of family song with our three kids – so long ago (20 years now!) when they were 6, 10 and 13. Oh, I know – many of you know the three of them in… Continue Reading →

Why Sing?

Making music regularly with others has been proven beneficial by scientific testing to promote brain health, improve cognitive abilities (both short-term and long-term memory) and increase the ability to focus in those who are young.   It is equally powerful for… Continue Reading →

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